open letter to OntarioWhen I think about the impending Canadian federal election, I am torn.
Part of me wants to see the Liberal party suffering a
Campbellesque defeat, losing their official party status. In a sane world, Canadians would severely punish the party for any number of things: for stealing taxpayers' money and kicking it back into Liberal party coffers (Adscam); for their harebrained schemes, like the utterly ineffective $2 billion long-gun registry which has yet to capture a single real criminal (while criminalizing hundreds of thousands of honest Canadians), or a $2 billion job creation scheme that created not one permanent job; for the constant lies (such as their 1993 pledge to abolish the GST, or Paul Martin promising to fix the democratic deficit and end Western alienation); for the billions of dollars that have gone missing in Foundations untouchable by the Auditor General... I could go on and on and on.
However, I fear that this will not happen. I believe that Canadians, particularly those in Ontario, have become spineless wimps - wimps who tolerate corruption on a scale unseen outside of banana republics. Far from punishing the Liberal party with a massive defeat, I think that Canadians will condone the Liberal party's behaviour, even reward it, by handing the Liberals a majority government.
Two generations of corrupt rule in Canada has sucked the fortitude from Canadians. Where we were once a world power, we now only have a say on the international stage due to rapidly-fading-from-memory past glories. Our armed forces operate equipment older than most soldiers' parents. Our soldiers are sent into desert combat in Afghanistan wearing jungle camoflage. The armed forces has been cut, and cut, and cut again, until now we don't even have one complete brigade remaining. Our soldiers cannot defend our borders from any potential aggressor; we don't have the planes to get them where they need to go. Our country survives as an independent political entity thanks only to the Americans. And at the same time, we curse the Americans, our protectors by virtue only of a shared history that we are earnestly wiping out, and a shared border upon which we are forcing them to erect a fence and defend, as they no longer trust us. And why should they? What have we done for them lately, other than condemning them for protecting us and providing us with the market that sustains half of all Canadian jobs?
The country is far gone down the path of socialism and political correctness and mediocrity. With every passing day our government interferes more and more with the private lives of Canadians, as we swaddle ourselves in the smothering embrace of the nanny state. There is a cancer in the country: as socialism has metastatized, the entrepreneurs - the only ones who actually create jobs - have either given up, fled the country, or embraced the corruption and palm-greasing that has become the
modus operandi of a government that exerts astounding interfering influence upon the economy.
We have abandoned the ideas of peace, order, and good government. In their place, we have installed a revolving-door criminal justice system, a sickening reversal of morality where good is seen as evil and evil as good, and a government that operates on "pull" and graft and brown envelopes stuffed full of untraceable cash left on a table in a Montreal restaurant. We have abdicated the law-making function reserved for Parliament, in favour of allowing nine unelected and unaccountable Supreme Court justices, appointed at the pleasure of the Prime Minister, to make our laws for us. We have allowed the Senate to become a feeding trough for party hacks and hangers-on, loyal only to the Prime Minister who appoints them, rather than the chamber of sober second thought as designed by the Fathers of Confederation.
We have ignored the Constitution, allowing the federal government to vastly overstep its bounds and encroach onto Provincial responsibilities such as health care and education. We have allowed a "reading-in" to the Constitution of rights that were explicitly not included by the framers, such as same-sex marriage, while riding roughshod over explicitly-listed rights such as the freedom of religion. This has been done in a willy-nilly patchwork, based upon whatever frivolous idea happens to be in vogue that particular day, with no forethought as to the inevitable consequences or the inherent contradictions imposed by this flavour-of-the-month approach. For example, since marriage is now a "right", divorce is now an unconstitutional infringement upon that right. Unintended consequences are a bitch, no?
The Canada in which I was born is gone. In its place, there is a sickly, jaundiced and jaded patchwork of special interest groups. Where once there were hard-working people who fought to make the world better for their children and grandchildren, we now have the equivalent of delinquent teenagers spraypainting "Kilroy wuz here" on the Mona Lisa, giggling to themselves as they destroy something beautiful.
There are pockets of Canada remaining, but they get smaller and more isolated as time goes on and the cancer spreads. The largest single pocket of the Canada as it once was, the Canada that was a great country, is the province of Alberta. And yet, even there the cancer is spreading, outward from the two big universities. In Edmonton and Calgary, yes even there, there are people who embrace the ideology of the socialists and communists, ignoring the inevitable end result of their leprous ideology.
It is time for Alberta to save itself. It is ironic that the only reason we stay is the deeply-held patriotism for Canada, a Canada that no longer exists.
And yet, a large part of the population of Alberta still holds a misplaced belief in the honesty and integrity of our fellow citizens. We hope against all reason and precedent that the bulk of Canadians will reject the thieves and grifters in the Liberal party, to give them the decades-long banishment to the political wilderness.
However, that will not happen. This coming election, when Ontario rejects decency and honesty and elects 100-plus Liberal MPs, will be an eye-opener for many Albertans. We will finally see the rest of Canada for what it has become: an international laughing-stock, populated by invertebrates too weak to stand up and say "no more".
The first step in combating flesh-eating disease is to recognize that the disease is present. The next step is to amputate the affected area and pump the remaining flesh full of antibiotics. This election will provide Albertans with the recognition that Canada has become afflicted with an advanced form of national
necrotizing fasciitis. With that recognition, we will begin the process of amputating the sick part of the country from the healthy part, and then using the antibiotic of sound fiscal policy to treat the disease in all that remains; that is, in Alberta.
So there you have it, Ontario, the upcoming election in a nutshell: a vote for the Liberal party is a vote to break up the country. Please do so, so that those of us who still believe in the things that once made Canada great can go on about the business of recovering that greatness, while those of you who believe in the nanny state and corruption and graft can go about the business of going to hell.
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